For the first time for about 5 years we held a Power Scale Club Competition under the auspicious leadership of Peter Anthony Jervis, our tireless administrator extraordinaire on 30th October 2022. A good time to hold a competition because:- So, we all assembled to take part at 10.30am as invited (some were late and missed
Straight from HQ, we have now been able to find out the names of the successful A Test passers as well as those who have already taken A Tests successfully. Unforrtunately I cannot identify correctly all those who appear in the photograph but I am almost there. There are still many who have not passed
Well done to these three as yet unnamed stalwarts who passed their A Tests under the generous scrutiny of John Biggin – shown punching the air in triumph. These three took up the unmissable free offer which our erstwhile Secretary Keith Rathbone made in our recent round robin email and more fully set out in